Thursday, April 9, 2009

Because I'm Lame and I like Lists ..... About Me

The object is to give readers a glimpse of who you are. Then, tag a couple fabulous blogger friends who you think would enjoy doing a post such as this and you are done! How easy is that?

5 Things I Cannot Live Without

My Blackberry. I'm addicted to it. However, I did take the e-mail function off of it because it was starting to affect my sanity.

My laptop. I am a technology nerd, it is a requirement of my happiness that I have the ability to sit on my porch, sip lemonade and blog at the same time. Without my laptop, I couldn't do that.

Coke Zero. Is that not like the best drink ever? I love it! It tastes much better than Diet Coke, and it still contains no sugar.

4. My Mom. She's my rock, my saving grace and my best friend. I am a Mommas Girl.

5. God. He is the one who we need to look to for answers, forgiveness and truth. Each day I learn more and more about Him, and Wow! What an amazing journey it has been.

5 Quirks I Am Aware Of

I am impatient and I tap my foot nervously because of it. I cannot stand to wait for anything. It's really just a bad habit.

2. I have to have the SAME routine every morning. If my routine gets changed without my prior knowledge and consent, I have a terrible day and nothing goes right. I know this from experience.

3. I am obsessed with cute pink stuff. Anything really, post it notes, purses, shoes, clothes, pens. You name it - if it is Pink, I want it or have it.

4. Decorating my office door is like a sickness for me. Seriously, I have to have something up for every holiday, otherwise my door is so boring or plain. I buy cute little decorations 1/2 price at Hobby Lobby or Kohl's and display them proudly for every holiday. Right now I have my Easter welcome sign up with Easter Eggs on it. I will leave it up for a week after Easter, then the Memorial Day flag decoration is going up. I'm going to have to purchase something cute for the month of June that is related to Summer....I'm thinking something with flip flops on it.

5. I have to match, regardless of the circumstances. Even if I'm going to bed, my pajamas have to match. I know you're probably thinking, seriously? Yes. I just can't risk having my house catch on fire and running outside with Purple GAP sweatpants and a bright blue Dick's Last Resort t-shirt. Just can't do it.

5 Places I Have Visited
St. Augustine, FL
2. Bahamas
3. New York, NY
4. Myrtle Beach, SC (Ooohhh Ahhh, not)
5. Jersey Shore

5 Places I Want to Visit
Hawaii - any island would be fine
2. Paris
3. Los Angeles, CA
4. Texas or somewhere out west.
5. Massachusetts

That's all blogger friends. I'm not going to tag anyone, if you want to do it - go ahead. Leave me a comment and let me know if you did, then I'll go read yours!



Jessica said...

I totally had to take the email function off of my Blackberry too! I was becoming a little TOO obsessed with it! Glad I'm not the only one!!!

tootie said...

You are right to Hawaii on the top of your list -it is amazing!!

And I definitely have my morning routine, too. I figure if it works, then I should stick with it :)

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