Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Feels like an "Off" week....

For some reason, I just can't get in the mood to work this week. My mind is everywhere but where it should be.

I had to leave about an hour early yesterday for a school project, then I had to come in an hour late this morning due to a doctors appointment. I don't know what it is, but I can tell you I have been day dreaming since I walked in the door!

Maybe I need a vacation....somewhere tropical would be nice! There isn't any time for a vacation, I need to get this work done and start the Friday countdown!

I plan to make a dent in the piles of filing and paperwork on my desk today. In order to do that, I have to get off my blog and work....

Don't forget - FTF words will be posted tomorrow!


MissBliss said...

I'm not sure I can ever get in the mood to work... lol

Jessica said...

I've had this problem for more than a couple of days...

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